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 About Scrip

What is Scrip?

Our program utilizes " Scrip" (a Latin term that means anything used instead of money). The program is simple. UnitedScrip purchases gift cards and certificates, in large quantities from National and Local Retailers. Your organization's members order and purchase these gift cards and certificates from your Scrip program paying face value for the scrip. Please understand that these are the exact gift cards and certificates that you or your members would purchase when you walk into your favorite grocery store, restaurant, department, specialty or general retailer and purchase gift cards to give to family members, loved ones or friends.

How Does that Help Our Organization Reach its Financial Goals?

UnitedScrip purchases "Scrip" on behalf of non-profit organizations, like yourself, in large quantities. Because UnitedScrip meets the high corporate minimums, and pays for the purchases before receiving them, a discount is received. UnitedScrip sells these gift cards to your organization, retaining a small percentage of this amount (1.2% average) and passing the remaining discount on to your organization. Your organization then allows your members to purchase Scrip at face value ...dollar for dollar, to use for their everyday purchases. That means that your organization retains between 1% - 15% as profit for your organization.

How much profit can our Organization make?

How much do your families spend weekly on gasoline, groceries, clothing, fast food, toys, entertainment or home improvements, and birthday gifts weekly? Think about your own monthly spending!

One family spending $525 monthly can generate over $250 yearly! How many of your families can write you a check for that amount in support of your groups goals and vision?

UnitedScrip becomes your organizations one-stop shopping center for their everyday purchases, allowing each member to make every purchase profitable for your organization!

It is That Simple!

   Great Customer Service
   Personalized Support
   Great Discounts
   National Retailers
   Minimum Backorders!!

Also Redeemable at: Bubba Gump      

Chart House
Claim Jumper       Oceanaire
Landry’s Seafood House
Muer Steak Houses
Rainforest Café
Saltgrass Steak House
Golden Nugget Casinos & Hotel

The Crab House

Willie G's Seafood & Steakhouse

Aquarium,  T-REX Café Babin's Seafood House

and more!