Templates & Tools

For many years, UnitedScrip has been an important partner with non-profit organizations. This partnership had helped many organizations realize and reach, or even surpass, many of their financial goals.

From the onset of your Scrip Program, UnitedScrip pledges to provide you with step-by-step help and materials that will support and enhance your efforts and program. Materials range from Power Point Presentations for Group Meetings to weekly flyers and campaign design. The extensive features of Scripzone and Customer Service will increase the potential for your program from the beginning order.

Perhaps our greatest tool is individual Customer Support Team. Call and schedule an appointment with individuals who have established and run successful programs for many years. To get your organization started today, call 1.864.886.9701 or email info@unitedscrip.com or cmrampey@unitedscrip.com.


  • All-in-One Functionality at www.scripzone.com
  • Concept Form Creator- One feature of this support center is our Customized Order Form Creator. The Order Form Creator allows you to customize the order forms to fit the needs of your group.Some of your participants may not have the ability to order online and they may need to give you a paper order form. Through ScripZone, simply select all of the concepts that you would like to appear on your order form. Please note that all denominations of a concept are automatically added to your form.
  • Download Library- The Download Library provides several useful documents for your organization’s Scrip program such as flyers. This is a revolving source for support materials. Check back occasionally for new resources. We are consistently adding files here to support your program.  All the files here are available for you to download to your computer and are easy to customize for your group.  
  • Message Center- The Message Center is a great way to communicate with your members. You may create an email that is sent to all of your members or an individual member. The email that you create is sent to their message center on ScripZone as well as the email address that is in our files for the member. Note: Members that are added via the group site do not receive emails from the message center.
  • Report Center- ScripZone.com may be used as your organization’s accounting software. The Report Center offers reports that show profit generated by families, teams, and the group. If your organization utilizes the Disbursement and Credit capabilities, ScripZone will also allow you to run reports that total the entire profit earned and distributed for a member’s account.

- Retailers List
- SteppingStones Newsletter
- Introductory Flyer
- Profit Potential Calculator
- Power Point Presentation
- Sample Order Form



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